v0.2.0 - Training Arc Update

Discuss this game over on its WeightGaming thread!

Time for some training! First release with weight gain/stuffing content, and art assets by Hero-After-Dark 2Omega8FattyAcid 1RiaValkibaqua, and ee8k!

All of the art currently in the game was commissioned and paid for by me, and while my finances will allow me to continue doing this for the foreseeable future, I would love to work consistently with a contributor for art to be made for this game. It would mean more frequent releases, and an overall more cohesive look for the game (currently we have different artists drawing different images for the same character, all while using differing styles). If you would like to help work on this game, please let me know!

This release was supposed to happen much faster, but I underestimated how much work it would take to get set up after moving apartments, and a large chunk of time was spent waiting for art assets and sprites to be made for the release.

Thanks! humblesasquatch


TheNextBIgThingv020.zip 261 MB
Sep 18, 2021

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hey nice game is there a gallery room or somerthing that i can go into plz 

Currently not, but there's plans to implement one soon in the coming updates!